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Sound Control Acoustic Foam, Soundproofing Foam
Industry Standard Studio Acoustic foam made in Canada! Completely Odor-Free!
Record, listen, and mix more accurately in a professionally foam-treated space!
Eggshell, Wedge and beveled foam panels available, in addition to Wedge Corrner Bass Traps and Diamond Style Low Frequency Corner absorbers.
As a result of our proprietary formulation, our super firm version of our studio foam has increased sound absorption performance benefits over popular industry-leading studio foam maufacturers, including improved durability due to reduced oxidation. Our foam will not deteriorate, crumble or have surface wear from normal use like other alternatives such as melamine are reas the other brands are reported to. And it comes at a more affordable price!

SoundControl Acoustics Foam Profiles
Available in Regular Firm.
Select Profiles also available in Super Firm or Colors
*Available in Regular Firm or Super Firm Grade
1 inch 2ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
1.5inch 2ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
2 inch 2ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
2.5inch 2ft x4ft Eggshell Foam
3 inch 2ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
*Available in Regular Firm or Super Firm Grade
2inch Large Roll - 6ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
2.5 inch Large Roll - 6ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
3 inch Large Roll - 6ft x 4ft Eggshell Foam
*Available in Regular Firm or Super Firm Grade
2inch - 2ft x 2ft WEDGE Sheets
2inch - 2ft x 4ft WEDGE Sheets
3inch - 2ft x 2ft Wedge Sheets
3inch - 2ft x 4ft Wedge Sheets
4-inch - 2ft x 1ft Wedge Blocks
*Only Available in Super Firm Grade
2-Inch - 2ft x 4ft Panel Tower
3-Inch - 2ft x 4ft Panel Tower
4-Inch - 2ft x 4ft Panel Tower
(Only available in SuperFirm)
Only Available in Super Firm Grade
2-inch 2x2ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
2-inch 1x4 ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
2-inch 2x3ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
2-inch 2x4 ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
2-inch 2x5ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
2-inch 2x6ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
3-inch 2x2ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
3-inch 1x4ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
3-inch 2x3ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
3-inch 2x4ft Beveled Acoustic Foam panels
3-inch 2x5ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
3-inch 2x6ft Beveled Acoustic Foam Panels
*Available in Regular Firm or Super Firm
Medium Diamond Traps 2 Ft tall - 11" from corner
XL Diamond Traps 2 Ft tall - 15" from corner
Oversize Diamond Traps - 3ft tall - 18" from corner
CUBES (Connects bass traps at top corner vertex):
*Available in Regular Firm or Super Firm
Small Cube - Fits either small Triangle or medium Diamond
Large Cube - Connects Large or XL Traps
Jumbo Cubes - Fits Jumbo Traps
2 inch 2x2ft
2 inch x 2ft x 3ft
2 inch x 2ft x 4ft
2 inch x 2ft x 5ft
(Only Available in Super Grade)
3 inch x 2ft x 2ft
3 inch x 2ft x 3ft
3 inch x 2ft x 4ft
3 inch x 2ft x 5ft
(Only Available in Super Grade)
Straight Cut Acoustic Foam Pricing:
*Available up to 5ft x 8ft x 4inch custom cuts
Regular Firm Grade:
Priced per Squarefoot Unit 1" x 12" x 12" (up to 6 inch thick up to 5 foot x 8 foot)
Super Firm Grade:
Priced Per Squarefoot Unit 1" x 12' x 12" (Up to 6 inch thick up to 5 foot x 8 foot)
Extreme Firm Grade:
** Very Rare! Limited Canada Availability**
Priced Per Squarefoot Board Unit 1" x 12" x 12" (Up to 6 inch thick up to 5ft x 8ft)
*Texture, finish, hue, and density of foam may vary slightly across batches

While some of our products are fire retardant and/or self extinguishing to varying extents, we cannot guarantee that any product meets the specific building code regulations in your area as regulations widely vary from place to place. Check with you local fire marshal or building inspector for approval prior to purchasing or installing any of our products. Soundcontrol Acoustics will not be held liable for property damage or injuries caused by misuse of our products.
Flammability tests are performed under controlled laboratory conditions. Results in no way indicate foam performance in an actual fire. Polyurethane foam should be stored and handled with care. It should be kept away from sources of heat and flame at all times
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